Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mission Now a Church!!

During the month of March my son Justin and his family (wife, Angie and three precious little girls, Laken, Lauren and Laci) came to visit me. Justin is an ordained preacher and on deputation now to come to the Philippines as a missionary. During the time he was here, my sending church gave him the authority to organize Heritage Bible Baptist Mission (one of the missions Duane planted) to church status. This was an exciting time for me but a much more exciting time for the members of the mission. They were overjoyed that Justin, Pastor Duane's son would be the one to stand in his dad's place for the organization. Being able to share this glorious time with members of my home and sending church was wonderful but for it to be my son was joy unspeakable. And visiting with the grandchildren was great!!! I love being a "Granna".
Keep us in your prayers and Heritage Bible Baptist Church. The ministry is moving forward for the cause of Christ and the endeavor to expand His Kingdom.
Always in His Service,

Hospital Ministry

I know it has been a while since my last post. I have been going through adjustments being on the field without Duane. It has been almost a year now, it sure does not feel like it.
This post is about the Hospital Ministry of the North Luzon Women and Children Hospital. This has been a life changing experience for me. I have been in many hospitals here in the Philippines and ministered to the women and children, but this one is different. I have been able to get up close and personal with the patients, nurses and doctors. Witnessing the birth of a child is seeing the hand of God and His miracles.
Each week we go into the hospital and pray with the patients and distribute tracts and John/Romans booklets. A Bible study is beginning with the nurses each week. We were able to put Bibles on each table by each bed and now the Pharmacy places tracts in each prescription bag. We give out Newborn Packs of cloth diapers, pins, blanket, etc. and always a tract and John/Romans booklet included. (part of the diapers have been donated by a young lady in the states, Hannah Senn) So many churches and individuals have blessed this ministry through their shipments of Bibles and supplies to me.
I will be posting more often now, thanks for being patient with me.
By God's most wonderful grace I am
Always in His Service

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thirty-Seven Hours Later!

Well, I made it home! This trip was a good trip but the longest I have ever taken. Delays for ice, change of flight plan in air due to weather, and delay for fuel paperwork. But God is good and I made it home safe and sound. More safe than sound because I was so tired that I can say "I was not of sound mind for a few hours". I have had some sleep and now ready to go.
It was nice to have visitors through the day and many phone calls to welcome me home. The love and care of friends are priceless!

Friday, January 8, 2010

On My Way Back Home!!!

On Sunday, January 10 at 9am I will be on my way back home to the Philippines. I am so excited!! I have spent time with my family, church family and friends. I have got to eat my pecan pancakes and now I am ready to go home. The ministry is about to expand beyond measure and I am looking forward to being a vessel for God to use in North Luzon, Philippines. During my visit in the states I had great meetings with Pastors and with BEAMS (a Bible Ministry) also and I am excited to see what God has in store for the ministry in North Luzon, the ministry that Duane and I began with God as our Leader and Guide. We are clay in the Potters Hands, just a vessel willing to be used. Pray for me as I travel home!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Slideshow

I Did Not Mean to Take So Long

I know it has been a long time since my last post. It has been a very trying time. But when I am at my weakest God is my strength. And the work must go on for the Lord.
I have been very busy getting things settled in the Philippines. New work is beginning and two of the missions will become churches in the next couple of months and they will plant new missions. Three schools now depend on us for Bible study time each week. And we are preparing for our VBS's in 4 areas.
I am in the states for the holidays but will be returning to the Philippines on January 10. It is fixing to get busy, busy, busy! I am excited to see the Lord work in me and through me in North Luzon, Philippines. We serve a great and glorious God!!!