Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hospital Ministry

I know it has been a while since my last post. I have been going through adjustments being on the field without Duane. It has been almost a year now, it sure does not feel like it.
This post is about the Hospital Ministry of the North Luzon Women and Children Hospital. This has been a life changing experience for me. I have been in many hospitals here in the Philippines and ministered to the women and children, but this one is different. I have been able to get up close and personal with the patients, nurses and doctors. Witnessing the birth of a child is seeing the hand of God and His miracles.
Each week we go into the hospital and pray with the patients and distribute tracts and John/Romans booklets. A Bible study is beginning with the nurses each week. We were able to put Bibles on each table by each bed and now the Pharmacy places tracts in each prescription bag. We give out Newborn Packs of cloth diapers, pins, blanket, etc. and always a tract and John/Romans booklet included. (part of the diapers have been donated by a young lady in the states, Hannah Senn) So many churches and individuals have blessed this ministry through their shipments of Bibles and supplies to me.
I will be posting more often now, thanks for being patient with me.
By God's most wonderful grace I am
Always in His Service

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