Friday, June 19, 2009

"Come Walk With Me"

I would like to take this time to share with you about a woman I met with breast cancer.

Come walk with me down a path of a mother and wife who had no hope. While we were at Sagubo for the VBS Pastor Marlou told me of a woman with breast cancer and his prayer was that I could somehow reach her heart with my story of breast cancer and that would open the door to share with her the wonderful story of Jesus.

Her name is Juliann and she has a two year old daughter, Anita.

Two years ago the doctors removed a lump in her breast and told her it was cancer. She took one treatment of chemo and then had to stop because of infection in the surgery site. Then money became an issue. For two years the infection has remained and they have told her now it will never heal and she is awaiting death.

The first time I met her was at the church. She had heard of me and walked up to see me and see if her little girl could attend the VBS. (of course, no child is ever turned away in this ministry) I talked to her for a short while outside the church and promised her I would come to her place to talk more and pray with her. That afternoon late I asked my husband, Duane, to accompany me to Juilann's place. As we entered her home I could smell the infection in her body, something I did not notice outside the church. It smelt like rotton flesh, a horrible smell. For two years she has applied heat and keep it covered with bandages, just feeding the infection. And this has been going on for two years! And her doctor told her to do this! The infection is now all in her body to the point they say death could come any day.

The first thing we did was pray with her and then shared Jesus with her. She is now born again and Pastor Marlou is following up with her on discipleship.

The second thing was tell her how to clean the wound from the surgery. And explained to her about not applying heat and take the bandages off for a while. I also talked to my doctor and she has sent some antibiotics to her and instructions also. See, just going down to your local doctor is not an option with the people in the mountains. They do have clinics and small hosptals, but no doctor or medical supplies in available in most of them, if something serious happens the people are transported by jeepney down the mountain to the nearest hospital with better care.

The last I heard from Pastor Marlou was that she was doing some better and the infection was improving! To God be the glory!!

She is now my Sister in Christ and my sister in the battle of breast cancer. I shared with her my faith and the peace I have in the loving arms of my Savior. She can now face each day walking a new walk and facing death with peace and understanding. Pray for Juilann, her husband and precious little Anita.

Thank you for praying for me! Thank you for walking with me; holding me up; and lifting me up in prayer. Please, always remember to pray for Duane and our family.

1 comment:

The Wallace Family said...

Amazing story! God is so good!