Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Tears of a Mother

A little boy that was in our Good News class was killed. This little boy was always eager to learn. The family is catholic but the mother wanted more for her son than she had in life. She felt that her son learning about this Jesus Christ would be a better life for her son. I was concerned that when we went to visit the family after the boy died, the family would somehow blame us Baptist for what happened. But with the tears of the mother she told us "thank you" for making a change in her son's life. Because of the example this little boy was, made a difference in all the children. Now they all want to learn about "Jesus Christ" the Savior that Michael is with. The death of Michael was tragic but the Lord's always in control. Michael's mother is now a born-again believer. The tears of a mother, from tears of grief to tears of joy, what a testimony!

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